Why do you need Ayurvedic treatment for Stress Management?
In cities like Ahmedabad, almost everyone is in some or the other kind of stresses & is in search of the Ayurvedic doctors in Ahmedabad for stress treatment in some or other way. Does diseases like stress affect on your behavior, efficiency and overall health? The answer is YES. While some stress is appropriate, even productive, we now know that too much stress can be quite harmful, and can compromise our health physically, mentally, and emotionally. Stress has negative effect on our body systems. You might have experienced that when you are stressful, your hunger goes away. Even your favourite dish annoys you. This example is just a tip of an iceberg. There are many lasting negative effects of stress.
Best Stress Treatment in Ahmedabad
Ayurveda has given some excellent remedial solutions to stress. Everyone knows about the three sharireeka (physiological) doshas, that is Vayu, pitta, and Kapha. Apart from these three, Ayurveda also states three manasika (psychological) doshas. These are Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. Out of these three, Sattva is considered as a Guna (Good Quality) whereas Rajas and Tamas are considered as doshas (Not So Good Qualities). When these ‘not so good qualities’ increases prominently, it results into numbers of diseases, out of which one is stress. Our doctors for Ayurvedic stress management in Ahmedabad provide the treatment which balances these physical and psychological humors (Satva, Rajas, and Tamas).

Atharva Ayurveda & Panchakarma Centre is one stop solution for Ayurvedic Treatment for Stress in Ahmedabad. We, at Atharva Ayurveda & Panchakarma Centre have developed dedicated protocol of Ayurvedic treatment for stress management which includes some of the very efficient herbs and compounds which immediately effects on stress and related hormones. Our doctors have developed the time tested medicine protocol. Our doctors, Dr. Janak & Dr. Kedar Upadhyay are one of the best Ayurvedic doctors for stress treatment in Ahmedabad. Our detailed diagnosis and medicines have proven to be most effective in all stress and related conditions. We also provide the lifestyle related guidelines which help to reduce stress. At our centre in Ahmedabad, we offer proven stress buster procedures like Shirodhara along with Music therapy. Atharva Ayurveda is one stop destination for stress diseases ayurvedic treatment in Ahmedabad. Numbers of patients have been benefited from our stress management treatment medicines and procedures.
In Corporate environment, Stress is nowadays has became a way of life. The hassles, competitions, demands, and expectations are never ending processes. If we talk about corporate stress management treatment, Ayurveda has many things to offer. At Atharva Ayurveda Ahmedabad, Our Doctors have designed a distinct Corporate Stress Management Ayurveda Treatment protocol. It includes Stress buster herbs and compounds, Stress relieving meditation guidelines, stress relieving procedures like Shirodhara, and Music therapy. It helps in reducing stress in corporate arena, increasing work efficiency, and restoration of physical and psychological health & wellbeing.

Ayurvedic treatment for Depression
Like stress, Ayurveda has given excellent remedial solutions to depression. As far as the Ayurvedic treatment for depression in Ahmedabad is concerned, Atharva Ayurveda & Panchakarma Centre, Ahmedabad has developed state of the art protocol for Ayurvedic treatment of Depression. Our in depth diagnosis and counselling, extensive & Effective Anti depressant Ayurvedic herbs& compounds, and Procedures like Shirodhara & music therapy helps fighting depression and coming out of it in most efficient manner. Number of patients has been benefitted worldwide by Atharva Ayurveda’s competent anti Depression Treatment.