Back Pain Treatment in Ayurveda
Back Pain is one of the common most problems in India. A Survey indicates that 70 per cent of the people suffer from low back pain at some time in their lives. People at 45 to 64 years age group are at more risk. The incidence of lower back pain is greater among women. There are many causes which leads to back pain such as osteoporosis, spondylosis, muscle sprain, reduction of inter vertebral space etc. Backache is very disturbing as it gets worsen if not taken care of. It can also restrict the movements and makes us dependent.

Though modern medicines are quickly effective in pain management, they provide temporary solution. On the other side, Ayurveda for lower back pain is a proven remedial solution. Ayurveda provides permanent cure for back pain.
Ayurvedic treatment for Back Pain in Ahmedabad
Atharva Ayurveda is a one stop solution for Ayurvedic treatment for back pain (Lower Back Pain) or spine care in Ahemdabad. We at Atharva Ayurveda have developed unique and most effective Ayurvedic treatment protocol which helps to eliminate the root cause associated with such diseases. Some of the guidelines of the protocols are…

- Our detailed diagnosis which helps us to understand the root cause of the problem. Our diagnosis also helps us to understand your Prakriti (Constitution).
- Our time tested research based Ayurveda Medicine gives us the opportunity to provide best Ayurvedic Treatment for Back Pain and Spine diseases. Out of wide range of herbs available in Ayurveda, the ones suited best to your Prakriti (Constitution) is selected and given to you in optimum dosage to get quick and lasting results.
- Proper diet, lifestyle and Yoga related guidelines helps in faster results.
- When needed, we also provide Panchakarma Treatment for Backache and related diseases.
Panchakarma Treatment for Back Pain & Spine Care
Panchakarma helps to detoxify the body. The vitiated doshas runs out of the body by various Panchakarma procedures and optimum health is maintained.
As far as the Panchakarma Treatment for Back Pain & Spine Care in Ahmedabad is concerned, Atharva Ayurveda & Panchakarma centre, Ahmedabad is one of the best choices. We, At Atharva Ayurveda provide extensive Panchakarma therapies and procedures like Abhyangam (Oil Massage), Swedanadam (Fomentation), and Kati Basti (A procedure dedicated to back pain problems) these procedures help to relieve the pain and provides permanent cure.
Ayurvedic Medicines treatment protocol and Panchakarma procedures along with the support of diet, lifestyle and Yoga guidelines removes your back pain problem from its root and results into your optimal health. We at Atharva Ayurveda implement all these strategies in most efficient manner which results into permanent cure of your backache and spine related problems.
Related Terms: Low Back Pain Ayurvedic treatment Ahmedabad, Ayurvedic Back Pain treatment in Ahmedabad, Ayurvedic treatment for Spine Care in Ahmedabad, Spine Care Ayurvedic treatment Ahmedabad