Greeva Basti


Greeva Basti is bathing the neck region with medicated oil or freshly prepared herbal decoction. The procedure does oleation and sudation around the neck region simultaneously. Due to present day lifestyle which involves continued and glued sitting position and lack of body movements the problems of the spine, muscles and skeletal tissues of neck and shoulder arise.

Benefits of Greeva Basti

  • Relieves the burden of stress and congestion in nerves , bones and muscles of neck and shoulders and thus relaxing and rejuvenating them.
  • Improves the flexibility and brings smooth movement
  • Improves circulation around the neck and shoulder region.
  • It gives relief in cervical spondylosis, cervical spondylitis, cervical disc lesion.
  • Vertigo, Tingling, numbness of the hands, Compression fractures, Chronic pain in neck region, & Frozen shoulder
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