Cancer and Ayurveda


What is cancer? Basically, cancer is a name that has been given to Some collections of related diseases. In all the types of cancer, the cells of the body begin to divide and spread into surrounding tissues.

Benefits of Turmeric

Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is probably one of the most renowned herbs of Ayurveda. Extensive research has been done throughout the globe on turmeric’s health benefits. Turmeric is an inevitable ingredient of Indian kitchen. Today we will discuss the uses and benefits of turmeric on the bases of Ayurveda and modern research.

Neem: Introduction and Uses


Neem tree is an Indian plant which is being used for its medicinal values for centuries. Almost 2500 years ago, ancient sages of Ayurveda have described numbers of benefits of neem tree. Today, modern medicinal scientists also accept these benefits after numerous researches. Let’s know the plant first

Things you should know about OSTEOPOROSIS


Our body can be compared with a factory. Our organs are the machines of our body factory which continuously works for our body. The organs are provided energy from our diet and lifestyle. The minus point to be considered about our body factory is, the machines exhaust and become weak over the period of time. …

5 Ayurveda Herbs to Boost your Brain Power


Lots of patients coming to our clinic keep complaining about their child’s poor concentration and memory and ask for herbal medicines to boost their intellectual capacity. Everyone wants to perform better than ever; everyone wants to be first in the race. Our brain has enormous capacities. Ayurveda has identified it and provided the solution for …

Diabetes and Ayurveda


Diabetes (Mellitus) is a mammoth disease.  One out of every 11 person is a patient of diabetes. Unfortunately, India carries the maximum numbers of diabetic patients. Almost 5% of Indian population is diabetic. Many of them die due to complications related to diabetes. Let’s understand the disease and its treatment.