Sadvritta – Philosophy of Ayurveda


When we listen the word ‘philosophy’, three civilizations erupts in our mind, Greek, Roman and Indian. these three countries have contributed a huge in philosophy. As far as Indian philosophy is concerned, it is unique in nature. Indian philosophy travels from outside to within, from Gross to subtle and from Darkness to Illumination. Vedas and …

What is OJAS? (The Nectar of all Dhatus)


As per the classics ‘Ojas’ is the essence of all the Dhatus. It resides in the heart (Hridaya) at it is present throughout the body. If Ojas is there, one is alive. If Ojas is destroyed, one is no more. Ojas is the subtle essence that is responsible for life, radiant health, strong immunity, vigor, longevity …

Theory of Dhatus in Ayurveda


In Ayurveda, Dhatus are said to be the fundamental base of the body. Dhatus  support the basic structure and functions of the body. Dhatus are of seven in number viz. rasa, rakta, mamsa, medas, asthi, majja and shukra. These are the structures that make up the body. However, like most concepts in vedic literature, they …