5 Best Brain Tonics of Ayurveda

It is difficult to survive in today’s competition. Almost every parent is aware of their offspring in this reality, and makes every effort to do so. Most parents in my clinic come for a treatment of their child’s memory, concentration and IQ.
Memory, concentration, IQ etc. are related to mind. In Ayurveda, there is a description of herbs that nourish the mind and keep it healthy. Such herbs are called “Medhya” herbs. Today, we will talk about 5 herbs that are the best brain tonic.
1) Brahmi: Brahmi which is best known for memory is familiar to everyone. Brahmi is called, ‘Santella Asiatica’ in Latin. The vegetation called ‘Bacopa monieri’ can also be compared to Brahmi. The leaves of Brahmi are scattered on the ground. The shape of a leaf is similar to that of our brain. Chewing a leaf that seems a bit nerve. By chewing 4 or 5 pages daily, the quality of Brahmi starts to irrigate the body from time to time. Brahmi enhances memory, relieves stress, is beneficial in Alzheimer’s disease and epilepsy and nourishes our nerves.
2) Shankhpushpi: This is also a very well-known herb. Different pharmacies sell condensed sugar liquids by marketing heavily in quality bottles. If taken in natural form, the best otherwise, its powder can be found in Ayurvedic shops. In terms of usability, Shankhpushpi is almost similar to Brahmi. Shankhpushpi helps to get a good sleep and it also relaxes the body faster.
3) Jyotishmati: In Latin, it is called Celastrus paniculatus Jyotishmati is a wonderful medicine. It is also very effective in mental diseases such as schizophrenia. As Jyotishmati is very strong, putting it direct on the tongue might create irritation. So, it is advisable to take it in a capsule form.
4) Vacha: In Latin, it is called ‘Acorus calamus’. Vacha is very effective in speech disorders. Children whose speech is delayed or in case of blurred speech, vacha can act effectively. Vacha improves memory as well as mental development. Taking it in excess may cause vomiting.
5) Jatamansi: In Latin, the Jatamansi is known as, ‘Nordostaxus jatamansi’, it is one of the best medicines for mental illness. Jatamansi is also helpful to have a good sleep, as well as it nourishes the brain.
Ayurveda’s five brain tonic enhances each and every aspect of the mind such as intelligence, sleep, concentration, memory etc. The only prerequisite is that each of these herbs needs to be taken according to patient’s body constitution and in the right dose, and this requires the advice of an Ayurvedic physician.

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